The 7 Tenets of Functional Medicine

Learn about what the seven tenets of Functional Medicine are and how they work to improve your life.

Let’s focus this week on functional medicine-
There are seven aspects to conquer to achieve optimal health. Start with one each day this week and see if you don’t feel a little better by next Monday.

1. Sleep (the most important of all)
Aim for 8 hours of sleep a night. Try to get to bed around 10-11. Having trouble? A few things that will help: Magnesium glycinate 240-360 mg prior to bedtime (Pure encapsulations) 5-HTP in the form of Neurocalm 2 at bedtime (Designs for Health) Melatonin 3mg at bedtime (Pure encapsulations) and finally progesterone. We like micronized progesterone- depending on age and lab values 50mg-200 mg. If you are one who goes to bed at 2 am- start moving it back a half and hour every day.

Deep breathing exercises prior to bed are also a great way to wind down. Dr Garrett utilizes a Dodow- deep breathing light. It projects a light onto your ceiling at bedtime and you breathe with the light. The intensity of the light changes to help you follow a pattern.

Link below:

For those who need noise to help them sleep- we recommend the Hatch. This machine incorporates sound and light to help lull you into relaxation and peace and wake you up gently- keeping your body out of that startle response.

Link below:

You can do all of these treatments together, especially if you have a horrible time falling asleep or staying asleep. Try to improve your sleeep every night this week.

Follow our link tree to Fullscripts to order your vitamins and supplements at 20% off. 


Day two of improving your health from a functional medicine perspective!

2. Water- drinking water is the best thing you can do for your body. It helps in more ways than you can ever imagine. You need to be drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water a day. This will help your body with its normal functions. Without it you will notice a sharp decline in health. As a bonus, start your morning with 8 ounces of warm water with fresh lemon squeezed in. This will help to jump start your health and improve all bodily functions. Because it is warm, the stomach does not have to churn it to warm it up, so the less amount of time it sits in the stomach acid the better. It is considered an alkalizing concoction.

SCIENCE LESSION: (Feel free to skip ahead) -Now you are probably saying, whoa, it is an “Acidic Fruit”! There is a difference in what we are discussing (think kernel and colonel). When you ingest anything, the body has to pull out of it what is necessary for bodily functions and buffer out the toxins (things not needed for the body), we have to maintain homeostasis. The body cannot be too acidic or too alkaline. In order to do this the body has to neutralize certain things, this can be utilizing certain things such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium (alkaline salts). Because fruits (including acid fruits) do not have any issues in creating acidic molecules, the body does not have to pull calcium from the blood or bones in order to buffer it. So, it is considered alkaline. Whereas, meats and grains are considered acidic foods, the body has to steal alkaline salts from other places to buffer out the toxins. (END OF SCIENCE LESSON)

What kind of water do I need?
1. Keep it in a glass or stainless container- xenoestrogens from plastic is a real thing. Microplastics are a real thing. BPA (bisphenol A) is just one toxin they have discovered in plastics, there are hundreds of others…
2. I like distilled water. We live in Indiana and our well is pretty much limestone, I don’t want that in my body. City water is recycled sewer, don’t want that in my body either. I have a countertop distiller, that creates a gallon of water in like 4 hours. It is steam distilled so the heavy metals and minerals are removed. Now, if you are saying, wait I need minerals. Just eat your fruits and veggies and you will be fine.

link below:

3. Does tea count? Oh my gosh, I love tea. Unsweetened iced tea, matcha, green tea, hot tea, the stories are endless about tea with me, however, tea contains caffeine- which can act as a diuretic (causing you to pee more) therefore, you lose fluid. So, the answer is no, it needs to be 1/2 your body weight and tea is a bonus. Our favorite teas are from The Tea Spot (#bestteaever)- Oh, and Ms. Maria Uspenski- founder of the Tea Spot has a great book, called “Cancer Hates Tea” which talks all about the health benefits of tea! (find it on her website).

link below:

So far: You should be trying to improve your sleep and drinking 1/2 your body weight in water… You will actually find that drinking more water can improve your sleep dramatically!

Day 3 of your approach to better health from a functional perspective:

You need to move your body. I am a firm believer that if you stop moving your body starts breaking down and decaying. So, move!

You don’t have to start a marathon, but you need to move. Take a walk before dinner. Park further out in the parking lot from shopping or work. Walk on your lunch. Spend 30 minutes at least 5 times a week being active and 45 minutes 3 times a week doing focused exercises. Physical activity needs to continue for at least 10 minutes to be considered a session of exercise. So, you can break up your 30 daily minutes into two to three shorter sessions, each at least 10 minutes long.

Cardio- make sure that you are getting your heart rate up, you shouldn’t be able to sing…

(*There is a slight caveat to this- if your body is in adrenal fatigue and you are a stage two or three in adrenal fatigue -Your cortisol and DHEA is plummeted, you need to do more restorative exercises to begin with)

Strength training: This is great for boosting testosterone, building lean muscle that will actually help to burn fat faster, and help improve bone health and blood quality (strength training helps to produce better stronger red blood cells). Do you get neck tension and headaches? That is because you have an 8 lb bowling ball sitting on top of your shoulders and your body does not have the muscles to hold it up… so your back is pulling down hard on those muscles to keep your head from snapping off.

Stretch: You need to be stretching out the muscle fibers and helping to provide flexibility to your muscles.

THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF EXERCISE… is to make sure you are doing the exercises correctly. You have to breathe correctly, you have to posture correctly, you need to exert correctly. We team up with Unexpected Warrior with Laura Moore. She can help you to learn how to exercise correctly.

Reach out to her at or

Today is day four of our functional medicine journey. Today we are going to focus on nutrition. The body is designed to heal itself, detoxify itself, maintain its own balance (homeostasis) and to adapt to change. However, you have to put the right fuel in the tank for all of these processes to take place.

4. Nutrition…we could write a book on this as this is so vitally important. Most people want a “pill for every ill” not realizing the havoc it is going to cause in your body. Every medication you take will cause a chain reaction in some aspect of your body. Have the sniffles for one day, go to urgent care and get an antibiotic, what are you left with? You have destroyed the good commensal bacteria in the gut and now have allowed yeast to take over. You are no longer absorbing your nutrients, you may end up with diarrhea- further damaging the mucosal cells of the small intestine, you may end up with a yeast infection. How should you have fought this? Drink your fluids, increase your vitamin c, rest, eat bone broth soup, increase the bioavailability of the nutrients (polyphenols, catechins, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids) your body needs to heal itself and remove the pathogen.

What does proper nutrition look like? It is definitely not fast food or processed foods. Did you know that according to US statistics that 41.9% of American adults are obese and 19.7% of American children are obese? This isn’t from eating a healthy diet. Approximately 70% of Americans are on at least 1 prescription medication and 24% are on 4 or more prescriptions.

How do we stop this?

Eat a diet that is plant based. About 2/3rd of your plate should be fruits and veggies. Try to measure your vegetable intake for one week. You need to be eating about 30 servings of vegetables per week. Fruit is your friend, the antioxidants in fruit will help with oxidative stress in the body and studies have shown cardiovascular disease (hypertension, heart failure, heart attacks) are caused by oxidative damage to the body.

Incorporate healthy nuts and seeds into your diet. This will provide good fats in the form of Omega 3 and Omega 6 that help to improve functionality of the body.

Limit dairy, large portions of dairy is inflammatory to the body. If you can remove gluten from your diet, you will notice inflammation will also decrease. Remove the excess sugars. Soda is horrible for your body, even diet soda, so just get rid of it.

Meat should be a treat- so make sure it is divine if and when you eat it! Go for fish a couple times a week. Lean meats like chicken and turkey are better than red meat food choices. Go for grass fed red meats if you are going to eat a red meat.

Food combining- this is a real thing. If you don’t combine your foods correctly you will end up indigestion and poor digestion. Our nutrition counselor, Kate, has a whole video on food combining. Google food combining and you should be able to find a chart about proper combinations.

Clean 15 vs Dirty Dozen. Follow the link below to find out more about what foods should be organic, which foods you need to clean in vinegar, and which are ok to eat.

Day 5 of Functional Medicine and your journey to health and wellness. You must learn how to breathe.
5. Breathe deeply good air, deep peace, and good health. This one is so deep, it is more than just breathing. You have to focus on your breathing, realizing that there is a spiritual connection with your breath to your Maker, to your life, to all that you have to offer.
You have to breathe and what you breathe needs to be clean (another spiritual/emotional metaphor here). Surround yourself with plants that give life, that take your negative (CO2) and give back positive (life) of O2. There are numerous plants that are air purifying plants, they help to clean your air and your space- Peace Lily, Aloe, fern, snake plant, weeping figs, daisy and more.
Don’t use candles or wall plug ins, there are studies that show these produce xenoestrogens and are harmful not only to your neuroendocrine system but to your lungs and cells. Fragrance your air with good essential oils (high quality). Don’t clean with toxins, use things like vinegar, castile soap, steam, sunlight, etc.
How to breathe: Make sure that at least once a day, but preferably 3-4 times a day, do deep breathing exercises. Breathe in slowly, count to 4. Hold that breath for 2-4 counts, release slower count to 8. Hold the empty breath for 2-4 counts. Repeat this 10-15 times.
The best times of day to do this is upon waking, before meals, and at bedtime.
We have several videos on deep breathing exercises that can help you.
My favorite way to deep breathe is to do forest bathing or grounding while I am doing my deep breathing exercises. Walk outside into a patch of woods, take off your shoes, inhale and exhale. Find peace, be thankful, be mindful, let go of that stress.
It’s day six in our functional medicine journey. We are almost there. The last two tenets of functional medicine have been saved for the weekend on purpose, today is Relaxation.
6. Relaxation: This incorporates with all other aspects of functional medicine. Sleep integrates into relaxation, deep breathing integrates, nutrition integrates. Each of these are pivotal to each other and that is why functional medicine is not just putting someone on hormones or a weight loss drug. It is understanding the foundations to providing health and wellness to the human frame. Not being able to find peace and relaxation causes a catecholamine response within the body and can increase your cortisol levels, until they fail. It decreases your DHEA production. It interferes with your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. It breaks down the gut lining. It damages neurotransmitters in the brain, causes mood and instability issues. It destroys your immune system. It creates oxidative stress. It creates a catabolic environment within your body. It destroys you, from the inside out. William Osler said the body and organs will weep tears the eyes cannot. Meaning, the damage will start slowly, build up and then there will be disease.
How do you relax? …… wow, that one is tough, isn’t it? You have to force it, at first it will be difficult, you will have to schedule it. You will have to master it. Then over time it will become more natural for you.
Start with a walk after dinner, down a winding path or a wooded lawn, deeply breathe as you go. Maybe enjoy a bubble bath with Epsom salt and candles (you deserve it). Schedule a massage or a facial, treat yourself. Go fishing. Go kayaking. Take a nature walk. Float in the pool. Paint a picture. Read a book. Find time for you. Remember who you are, what your goals are, what motivates you and who your inner person truly is.
I have a planner that I like to use to help me schedule time for myself and it also helps me to stay focused and on target with my goals for the day. This may be a great way to help you plan time for yourself without feeling guilt over it.
Our final tenet of Functional Medicine is so important and often overlooked. It is love. Loving yourself, surrounding yourself with people who love you and giving love to others.
7. Love and the importance of community. The first aspect of this is to learn to love yourself. Not in a narcissistic way, but in a healthy way. You are an amazing person. You have so much to give the world and to offer others. You have gifts and talents only you can accomplish. You have life experiences both good and bad, that have shaped you into who you are. But if you cannot love yourself for who you are, you will only be a shell of a person.
Spiritually: Everyone in life will go through things. It is not the trial that makes you stronger it is what you choose to do with that trial that makes you stronger. I heard a sermon once that said that there is a difference between wounds and scars. A wound festers, it is painful, you feel it deeply, you recall every moment of when that wound occurred. You play it back over and over in your mind. You go through the stages of grief with this wound. You try to justify the wound, you try to categorize the wound, it is all you think about. However, when the master comes by and sees your wound, He removes his cloak and covers you with it. Slowly you don’t notice that wound any more. You are focused on the love and the kindness you are given. Eventually, that wound will turn into a scar. Once that scar has healed, you don’t think about it.
Take a minute and look at physical scars on your body. The ones that are truly healed, you don’t notice. It may take you moments to recall what, where and when it happened. Thats the beauty of a scar it fades over time. It does not mean it didn’t happen; it just means it is not affecting you any longer.
Now think of those emotional scars that you have. Once you learn to accept love from yourself, from your Maker, and from others these emotional scars will start to heal as well. It is so hard to turn these over, to rely on community to help boost you up and to cover your wounds with a cloak of love, but it is necessary.
Learning to love yourself is the most important key in this. Stop negating yourself. Stop talking bad about yourself. Stop punishing yourself for trials you have faced along the way. You are MORE than and OVERCOMER!
After you have been working on this step it is important to start giving the love and light you have in you to others. Find joy in helping people, not for self-gain but for true and honest giving. You will find so much joy in helping others. People deserve to be loved by you. Give away your love freely and without conditions. Show grace to yourself and to others. Be who you were meant to be.
“I am proud of who you are. I am proud of where you have come from. I am here for you. You are worthy. You are beautiful. You are deserving.” Say this to yourself every morning when you look in the mirror to brush your teeth and every evening as you prepare for rest. Eventually, you will believe it and those wounds will become scars and will slowly fade.

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